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Title I Ed-Flex Waiver Request

Clayton County Public Schools

FY22 Educational Flexibility Program (Ed-Flex Waiver) Public Comment Request

Through Ed-Flex, the U.S. Department of Education delegates to eligible states the authority to waive certain statutory or regulatory education requirements that may impede local school districts' efforts to reform and improve education.

The Ed-Flex waiver applies to the following programs:

  • Title I, Part A Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged (does not include Section 1111)
  • Title I, Part C – Education of Migratory Children
  • Title I, Part D – Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected and Delinquent, at-risk
  • Title II, Part A – Supporting Effective Instruction
  • Title IV, Part A – Student Support and Academic Achievement

The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) cannot grant any waiver that would undermine the underlying purpose of the statutory requirements of the program. Ed-Flex does not authorize states to waive the following statutory or regulatory requirements:

  • ESEA Section 1111 (including standards, assessments, and accountability requirements)
  • Maintenance of Effort
  • Comparability
  • Equitable Services
  • Distribution of funds to LEAs (School Districts)
  • Serving eligible private schools in rank order (ESEA 1113(a)(3)
  • The use of federal funds to supplement, not supplant, state and local funds
  • Applicable parental involvement or civil rights requirements
  • IDEA-Individuals with Disabilities Act requirements

Clayton County Public Schools is requesting an Ed-Flex waiver for Title I, Part A poverty threshold requirement for school-level Title I eligibility at Utopian School for the Arts Elementary School. 

If Clayton County Public Schools is granted the Title I poverty threshold waiver for Utopian School for the Arts Elementary School, the school will be able to provide targeted instructional support to eligible students (failing or at most at risk for failing) based on multiple, educational criteria. The school will be able to implement evidence-based programs and resources to support the instructional needs of eligible students in ELA/Reading and Math. The district will ensure that the underlying purposes of the Title I statutory requirements will continue to be met by the district and Utopian School for the Arts Elementary School.

Being granted this Ed-Flex poverty waiver is critical to address the academic needs of eligible students. The funds will be utilized to provide academic support for eligible students in various ways: content-rich resources, professional development for staff on the use of evidence-based instructional strategies, and small group instructional support. With the support of this waiver, all student subgroups will show a gain in ELA/Reading and Math content mastery of at least 3% on the reading and math assessments (MAP and iReady). 

We would like your input regarding our waiver selection, please click on the link below to complete the survey.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our waiver selection, please contact the Director of Federal Programs:

Katrina Thompson
[email protected]